Saturday, November 8, 2008

3 Months!


So yesterday was officially the end of my third month in Holland.

Last month was a lot of fun. I went to Paris (sorry no pictures yet, I will post them ASAP, my camera battery charger is gone.). And to Friesland to visit one of the other Canaidan inbounds, Julianna for 6 days over fall break. That was a lot of fun, we went shopping and horse back riding and ate Chinese food. Those were my two major trips in October.

I also started fencing! Hurrah!!! It feels so good to be fencing again, it's like my little peice of home. Everyone in the club is very nice and welcomed me in with open arms, it was really nice to meet more people and to be the special Canadian again, because I'm not at school anymore.

For those that don't know, I have subconscience issues directing my head toward the ground, making it very difficult for me to forward roll or dive. However, Gym class a couple days ago, I learned how to forward roll! Luckily I wasn't the only one that couldn't do it, Lotte, one of the girls in my class couldn't do a forward roll either. It took the full hour and several friends, but by the end of class we were both able to do a forward roll. Go me!

I am back on my full scheldule at school. Which is difficult because I still have problems understanding some teachers, but it is a lot easier than when I left the classes a month ago. Speaking of school, I would like to tell you some more differences between it here and it in Canada. The most major difference is that almost nothing is for marks. Teachers assign questions, and people do them, but they aren't for marks. No one would learn anything if that was the case in Canada! Also there are no projects, essays etc. just the questions which aren't for marks, and tests. Teahcers don't explain anything either, we do the questions, and then while we are correcting it, they explain it, which I think is silly. Also, thy score things differently, everything is out of ten. In my Nederlands Les I got a 6 on the exam, pretty good for someone who's Dutch is niet zo goed.

In Art right now we have a project that has to do with 'Time'. There was a bunch of different things we could choose, paint a still-life, make a clock, stuff like that. I am doing the project where we were given a word or phrase, and we have to make a piece of art from it. My phrase is "Rat-Race", so I'm doing a drawing of a bunch of Rats in suits fighting their way up a ladder. It's going to be sweet, I'll take a picture of it and put it up when its done.

I think thats all.



p.s. remember! i love comments, so if you have something to say, or just to say hi, let me know your reading and post it!


Half Moon Yoga Studio said...

hey scoob,
i think you meant 'end' of 3 months. Speaking of 'time' - it's amazing how much it drives us, gets out of proportion in where we're stuck in it (future/past) and how fast it goes when we don't want it too and how slow it passes when we're stuck in the muck. How ever long you've been gone, it feels like forever in the blink of an eye. enjoy every moment. good luck with the camera connections - can't wait to see more photos.
love you, mom

Allen said...

Congrats on 3 months it will only get better. That's great that you starting something active I feel so fat. The school sounds a little weird, why answer the question if you don't get marks. Art class sounds super.