Wednesday, May 27, 2009

2 dayzzzzz

EuroTour in 2 days!! I cannot even contain my excitment:D. Guess what else, after I get back they are doing exams...that I dont ahve to do, so I'm finished school on friday! yaya.

Last weekend was Hemelvaart, not really sure what it is, but it was a long weekend! So I went to Sara's house in Wasennaar for 4 days and hung out. Now I'm packing and getting ready for Europa Tour. Time sure flies.

I haven't been getting comments:(:(, it makes me feel unloved. So if you read my blog, please posr a comment! It makes my day.

Love all of you!



Monday, May 18, 2009


Long time!

My family is gone. The went home last sunday. I was amazing to have them here, and be able to show them around the country I've grown to love. In total, we saw: Den Haag, Movie Park Germany, Arnhem, Hengelo, Enschede, Friesland and Amsterdam.

After they left it was back to school for me:( haha.

Last weekend I went wadlopen (where you walk in the sea when the tide goes out) with some of the other exchange students. It was a lot of fun. We unfortunally didn't walk all the way to an island, but it was really great...and muddy. Here are the pictures:

This weekend is a four day weekend:). I'm going to go to visit Sara, another exchange student for the weekend. Should be a lot of fun.



p.s. remember! I love comments, so if you have something to say, or just to say hi, let me know your reading and post it!

Friday, April 24, 2009

So I was going to talk about Maastricht (en een "hartestikke bedankt!" te aardig trein mensen). But then some other things happened.

So, Monday, I came home and thought, "Today I'll write my blog about my weekend." Then I got busy.

Tuesday, I thought, "Today, I have to update my blog." Then I didn't.

Wednesday, "Today I'll do it." Then I ate supper and went to Fencing.

Thursday, "Ok, I have to do it today." Then I went to Rotary.

So here I am today, finally write my blog.

Last weekend I went to Maastricht to visit a friend of mine that lives there. I started my adventure on friday where, I boarded the train. Going to Deventer the tickets checkers, no problem, here's my ticket. He looks at me and then the ticket, and then me, "Can I see your discount card?" "Of course." He looks at it, stamps my card, starts to hand it back, then takes another look at it. "Um, weekend retour is only valid after 7 o'clock. Oops. Thank goodness he was a nice person, sat down, told me that in Deventer, I need to ask the next ticket checker if I could ride on this ticket, wrote and explained to the other ticket checker. I couldn't, but atleaste he didn't fine me. :)

So that was what I wrote friday, and then I went to a birthday party, then Saturday my internet stopped working annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd....My family came!!!!!!

So Maastricht was good, got to see a wall that was made in the Roman Times, went shopping, saw some frieds, had fun. I was going to write more, but my families here, and I'm tried, and that was two weeks ago.

On a different note, my family is here!! Hoorah!

They came Saturday, we hung out. Sunday we toured around Twente. Monday we went on a bike ride (37 km) and saw my school, Hengelo, a castle and my first family. Tuesday we went to Enschede for the market. Wednesday we went to the market in Hengelo and saw my host family's work. Thurday was Queens Day, unfortuatly, during the Parade the Royal Family was in in Appeldoorn, a man tried to run into the bus they were on, but his window was broken and he couldnt see and missed, fortuatly. It was a downer on Queens day though. Friday we headed to Den Haag till Sunday and saw the cities sites. Today we went to Movie Park in Germany (like a small Disneyland). In the evening it was dodenherdenking which is the Dutch Rememberance Day, so we went to the mass in my town.

I dont feel like writing more.



p.s. remember! I love comments, so if you have something to say, or just to say hi, let me know your reading and post it!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

Hey everyone!

I hope everyone had a good easter (and a great time in europe/new york for those reading.)

Easter sunday in The Netherlands people make these great big bonfires, and have bonfire paries, which was alot of fun. The fires were really big and in some towns, the entire town would help build the fire, those ones turned out HUGE.

Easter Monday I visited my host mom and dad's family. My host dad's parents live on a bird farm, they have black swans, turkeys, ducks, geese, chickens, partriges, and quails. Jasper, Laura and I got to help collect eggs to eat that day. I ate turkey, duck, goose and ostrich eggs.

Funny conversation:

"Welke soort van ei is het?" (what kind of egg is it?) -Me
"Gans" (Goose) -Host Opa
"Wat is dat?" (What is that?) -Me
"Umm...Goat?" -Host Opa
"Goat?" -Me
"Goose" - Host mom

Thats all!


p.s. remember! I love comments, so if you have something to say, or just to say hi, let me know your reading and post it!

Friday, April 10, 2009

To The Zoo!

Last weekend I went to the "Venice of Holland", Giethoorn. It's a beautiful city, where almost and the houses boarder on a canal. My host family, along with my first, my couselors family and another rotarian's family took me to the city and we took a boat tour through the city and then went to and island for a picnic. Lovely Day.

Yesterday I wen to the zoo with my friend Lotte. Burger Zoo (Lovely name eh? "burger" is citizen in dutch), although quite small, was a very nice zoo. The best part was a aqurium, with many different colors and fish, it was very well done. It even had a part where the walls and ceiling were made out of glass, so you could see the fish from every direction.



p.s. remember! I love comments, so if you have something to say, or just to say hi, let me know your reading and post it!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


So I promise that I'll be updating this thing more in the upcoming months. I have alot of stuff coming up, all for which I extremely excited for.

April 17,18,19 I'm in Maastricht visiting a Rotarian's daughters for the weekend. I'm really excited for that because it the oldest city in The Netherlands, and it is apparently extremely beautiful.

April 26-May 11 My family's coming! Super excited for that. The plan is that we are going to see Twente (the area I'm in.), see madurodam (miniture version of famous things in The Netherlands), scheveningen (Beach) and keukenhof (Tulips) in Den Haag, see the museum in Arnhem, the planetarium and go sailing in Friesland, and see the Anne Frank House, Madam Tusauds (wax museum) and the other things in Amsterdam. Fun eh? I'm super excited for it.

The weekend after my parents leave, May 16-17, I'm going wadlopen in Friesland with Rotary. It's where you walk to the Dutch Islands when the tide goes out.

May 30-June 15 is EuroTour! I am super excited for that. On the tour we are seeing Weimar (DL), Prague (CZ), Vienna (AT), Lido Di Jesolo (IT), Venice (IT), Murano (IT), Verona (IT), Florence (IT), Sienna (IT), Rome (IT), Vatican City (IT), Barcelona (ES), EuroDisney (FR), and Paris (FR). I simply cannot contain my excitement! haha. Also, every person needs to make a presentation on one place (in Dutch) while we are in that place, kind of like a tour guide. I got Florence, I have been researching it a lot, and it's such an interesting place! I'm going to have a terrible time deciding what to say to get the presentation down to 5 mintues. So make sure you watch out for the blog post/s after the tour!

After EuroTour, I have 2 weekends here, then I'm back on a plane, jet back to Canada, which I have to say, I'm not nearly as excited about. So now that everybody know what's coming up for me, I should probably tell you what I've been doing... The weekend after the football game, I had a Rotex weekend, which would have been fun, if it wasn't so freaking cold! We were sleeping in tents, and it was so cold that no one slept and everyone was insanely grumpy, so we went home Saturday night instead of Sunday. It kind of bummed me out, but it was fun none the less. I got to meet the new Southie in-bounds (People from south of the Equator who exchange winter-winter instead of summer-summer like me) and they are pretty cool. We also got to see the Palace in Apeldoorn that had absolutly amazing gardens.

This weekend I just kind of chilled, ate herring (which you'll see later). The weekend was nice and relaxing. I read some of the book I'm reading for Nederlands, De Jongen in de Gestriped Pyjama (The Boy In The Striped Pajama's), it's in Dutch! And I understand it! I am so happy about that. For thoses who have never seen a Dutch person eat a herring...It's quite the experience, and a must try when you come to the Netherlands. It looks something like this...

Thats all!


p.s. remember! I love comments, so if you have something to say, or just to say hi, let me know your reading and post it!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So, if you didn't catch that, it says football. (As in soccer)

I have finally seen a football game in Europe! I went and saw Almelo vs. People in Orange, it wasn't the big football league in The Netherlands, this was like the WHL, where the big one is the NHL, but it was fun none the less.

When I first got there, my first thought was "Holy crap, lots of refs.", then Gert (new host dad) tells me that the people in the black and white stripes is the team we’re cheering for. Oops.

It surprised me how much I enjoyed the game. Since I have gotten here, I have wanted to see a football game, just because when your in Europe, you need to go to a football game, its like a rule. But I didn't think I would be that into it, I really had a lot of fun, and I learned quite a bit about football. And the players are hottJ. Seriously, the extra players warmed up right in front of where I was sitting, it was very nice.

Did you know that football only has 2 halves, I thought it had 4. And they can tie? It was 1-1 when the game ended, and they went into overtime, played for three minutes, then every one got up and walked away. I was like, "No one scored yet! Where are you going?!" Silly North American.

I have also come to the conclusion that football players are wimps. I mean, I don't watch a lot of hockey (as in ijs hockey not field hockey for the Dutch people), but from what I've seen, the hockey player don’t fall down and call for a doctor every time someone hits them, they get up and keep going. Then again, football players are quite scandalously clad for sports men, if you catch my drift, but still, please, every single time you are hit? Is that really necessary? Although, I have to admit, every time the doctor went out, I started to get excited, I really wanted someone to get carried out. Or someone to get in a fight. Does that make me a bad person?

I gotta say though, it was just like going to a Tigers game back home, pretty much the same size, same cheering when our team scores, same booing when the other team does. It's funny how something’s never change, no matter where you are. I really hope that before I leave, I will get to see FC Twente play (the NHL-like team from our area.)


Italy was great. New family is great, can't believe I've been here for a week already! (and the flowers are coming up! SPRING IS IN THE AIR)
Ü < German Happy Face
Ö < German Surprised FaceDoei!


p.s. remember! I love comments, so if you have something to say, or just to say hi, let me know your reading and post it!

p.p.s. I didn't talk about Italy for a reason, You'll hear about it later