Sunday, March 15, 2009


So, if you didn't catch that, it says football. (As in soccer)

I have finally seen a football game in Europe! I went and saw Almelo vs. People in Orange, it wasn't the big football league in The Netherlands, this was like the WHL, where the big one is the NHL, but it was fun none the less.

When I first got there, my first thought was "Holy crap, lots of refs.", then Gert (new host dad) tells me that the people in the black and white stripes is the team we’re cheering for. Oops.

It surprised me how much I enjoyed the game. Since I have gotten here, I have wanted to see a football game, just because when your in Europe, you need to go to a football game, its like a rule. But I didn't think I would be that into it, I really had a lot of fun, and I learned quite a bit about football. And the players are hottJ. Seriously, the extra players warmed up right in front of where I was sitting, it was very nice.

Did you know that football only has 2 halves, I thought it had 4. And they can tie? It was 1-1 when the game ended, and they went into overtime, played for three minutes, then every one got up and walked away. I was like, "No one scored yet! Where are you going?!" Silly North American.

I have also come to the conclusion that football players are wimps. I mean, I don't watch a lot of hockey (as in ijs hockey not field hockey for the Dutch people), but from what I've seen, the hockey player don’t fall down and call for a doctor every time someone hits them, they get up and keep going. Then again, football players are quite scandalously clad for sports men, if you catch my drift, but still, please, every single time you are hit? Is that really necessary? Although, I have to admit, every time the doctor went out, I started to get excited, I really wanted someone to get carried out. Or someone to get in a fight. Does that make me a bad person?

I gotta say though, it was just like going to a Tigers game back home, pretty much the same size, same cheering when our team scores, same booing when the other team does. It's funny how something’s never change, no matter where you are. I really hope that before I leave, I will get to see FC Twente play (the NHL-like team from our area.)


Italy was great. New family is great, can't believe I've been here for a week already! (and the flowers are coming up! SPRING IS IN THE AIR)
Ü < German Happy Face
Ö < German Surprised FaceDoei!


p.s. remember! I love comments, so if you have something to say, or just to say hi, let me know your reading and post it!

p.p.s. I didn't talk about Italy for a reason, You'll hear about it later


Half Moon Yoga Studio said...

well, that was a lot of sports talk for someone who hasn't played a team sport since she was ...hmmm, i don't know, 5, maybe. Nice to know that even though it's not your 'thing' it can still be appreciated.
love the comparisons. and you too.

Jayden said...

Fencing and skiing are teams thanks.

ilse said...

liked to read your football-vision!
Ik zal Mart ook laten lezen hoe jij naar voetbal kijkt, zal hij leuk vinden!

Allen said...

Hey Jayden,
long time no talk!
Sounds like you are having an amazing time in the Netherlands. I am so jealous that you got to see a voetbal match, I love watching soccer. Your trip to Amsterdam sounds like a blast too bad you didn't get to go to the vodka museum :(